Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Let's Talk About The "C" Word!

Let’s Talk About the “C” Word
By Larry d. Wright

Let's Talk About the "C" Word!

Every body is talking about change these days but (at the risk of sounding like Jack Bauer) “trust me”; everybody talking about change isn’t for it! Personally, I think all the politicians are missing the real message of the populace. The average American doesn’t want to change; they want the politicians to change. They don’t want things to change in their hometown; they want things to change inside the loop in Washington, D.C. They don’t want new policies and procedures; they want new people. Voters don’t see themselves as being the problem; they see the people they elect as the problem. As a result, a lot of promises are made but nothing really changes.

Issac Newton’s First Law of Motion states: “Everything continues in a state of rest unless it is compelled to change by forces impressed upon it.” A country philosopher said it like this: “Some people will change when they see the light. Others change only when they feel the heat.”

The bottom line is this: every body wants change but they want someone else to do it! People say they are all about change but what they mean is; I want my world to same the same and the rest of the world needs to change for my benefit. It is a consumer mentality that has now invaded the world of politics. If it were not so pathetic, it would be amusing, watching all the politicians grovel and grub to the fickleness of the American consumer, I mean voter.

We talk a lot about the “C” word, but seldom do it. So let me ask the hard question, “Why is it so hard for us to change?” What is it about those bad habits and negative behavior traits that keep us bound? What is it about those good habits that are hard to develop? Why is it so hard for us to change and so easy for us to remain the same? I think it is because we try so hard to change on our own willpower. This may shock some of you but Jesus Christ does not expect you to change! In fact, He knows you can not change…on your own. The life that Christ talks about is not a changed life; it’s an exchanged life. When a person makes the decision to follow Jesus Christ as a way of life then they soon discover the dynamics of what I am talking about. In an exchanged life you replace the negative with the positive. If you ever grasp this dynamic principle then it will revolutionize your life and you will be on your way to the greatest discovery ever.

Here is why CHANGE DOESN’T WORK and New Year’s Resolutions rarely succeed. When we try to change, we inevitably focus on the negative. But, in the exchanged life, you focus on the positive. See the simple difference? For instance, in the exchanged life I involve Jesus Christ in my life and He opens my eyes to new truth and possibilities.

He helps me to look beyond the human barriers and to the divine possibilities. As we stand in the threshold of a New Year, God wants you and me to look at the possibilities of this approaching year. In order to reach our potential we must throw out the old mind set that believes I cannot change and I accept a new mind set concerning the exchanged life.

There is something better than change. It is exchange! Experience the difference and you will be able to move beyond human barriers and experience divine possibilities in 2008.

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